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Please list all known open source bots here. This page is alphabetized by bot name, but if you're looking for a specific implementation of something, check one of these sorted subpages:

Code size category - Movement type - Targeting method - Superclass - Author

BotCode sizeMovementTargetingSaves DataAuthorExtendsComment
Archer mini RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting No Ph AdvancedRobot
Aristocles micro FlatMovement GuessFactorTargeting No PEZ AdvancedRobot
Ash micro RandomMovement PatternMatching No Iiley AdvancedRobot
Barracuda mini FlatMovement AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting Yes Kawigi AdvancedRobot
BlackSwans mini RandomMovement PatternMatching No Iiley AdvancedRobot
BlackPearl mini Oscillators GuessFactorTargeting Yes Sparafucil3 AdvancedRobot
BlackWidow micro RandomMovement AngularTargeting No PEZ AdvancedRobot
BlotBot mega ? ? yes Qohnil AdvancedRobot
BrokenSword mini MinimumRiskMovement GuessFactorTargeting No Voidious AdvancedRobot
Cake mega ? ? No Vuen AdvancedRobot
CassiusClay mega WaveSurfing StatisticalTargeting, VirtualGuns No PEZ AdvancedRobot
Chalk mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting* No Corbos AdvancedRobot
Charo micro RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting No Corbos AdvancedRobot
Che mini RandomMovement PatternMatching No Corbos AdvancedRobot
Chomsky mega WaveSurfing NeuralTargeting No Corbos AdvancedRobot
Cigaret mini RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting* No Iiley AdvancedRobot
Codious mega MinimumRiskMovement PatternMatching No Voidious TeamRobot
Corebot? mega [random movement]? anyhowgun? No zidanetri? Robot
Constitution mega BulletDodging? VirtualGuns No zidanetri? Robot
Cyanide mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No Alcatraz AdvancedRobot
DarkHallow mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No Sparafucil3 AdvancedRobot
Dexterity? mega BulletDodging? MultipleChoice No Greywhind AdvancedRobot
Dookious mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting Yes Voidious AdvancedRobot
Duelist mega ? ? No David Alves AdvancedRobot
DuelistMicro micro PerpendicularMovement VirtualBullets No David Alves AdvancedRobot
DuelistMicroMelee micro PerpendicularMovement, AntiGravityMovement, ArbitraryMovement HeadOnTargeting No David Alves AdvancedRobot
DuelistNano nano ? ? ? David Alves ?
DuelistNanoMelee nano ? ? No David Alves AdvancedRobot
DuelistNanoMeleeMkII? nano ? ? No David Alves ?
DustBunny nano [AntiGravityMovement] Unique, see Infinity No Miked0801 AdvancedRobot
Fhqwhgads mini PerpendicularMovement GuessFactorTargeting Yes Kawigi AdvancedRobot
FhqwhgadsMicro micro PerpendicularMovement GuessFactorTargeting, VirtualBullets No Kawigi AdvancedRobot
FloodMicro micro FlatMovement HeadOnTargeting No Kawigi AdvancedRobot
FloodMini mini FlatMovement GuessFactorTargeting Yes Kawigi AdvancedRobot
FloodNano nano FlatMovement RandomTargeting No Kawigi AdvancedRobot
FloodSonnet sonnet FlatMovement, MinimumRiskMovement GuessFactorTargeting Yes Kawigi AdvancedRobot
Frankie mega RandomMovement PatternMatching Yes PEZ AdvancedRobot
FunkyChicken nano Unique PatternMatching No Kawigi AdvancedRobot
Gem nano Unique Unique, see Infinity No Rod Hyde AdvancedRobot
GloomyDark mega RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting Yes PEZ AdvancedRobot
Gouldingi mini RandomMovement AngularTargeting, AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting No PEZ AdvancedRobot
GouldingiHT mini FlatMovement AngularTargeting, AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting No PEZ AdvancedRobot
GresSuffurd mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
Griezel mega MinimumRiskMovement CircularTargeting No GrubbmGait TeamRobot
Grofvuil nano Oscillators LinearTargeting No GrubbmGait TeamRobot
GrubbmGrb mega StopNGo, Oscillators VirtualGuns No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
GrubbmOgre mini Oscillators HeadOnTargeting No GrubbmGait TeamRobot
GrubbmOne mini CircleBots CircularTargeting No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
GrubbmThree micro RamBots CircularTargeting No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
GrubbmTwo mini Oscillators LinearTargeting No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
Gruwel mini StopNGo, Oscillators CircularTargeting No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
Gruweltje micro Oscillators CircularTargeting No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
GrypRepetyf mega Oscillators PatternMatching No GrubbmGait AdvancedRobot
Hoplomachy nano StopNGo / Orbit Semi-Circular No Kinsen AdvancedRobot
Infinity nano Box-like Unique No Miked0801 AdvancedRobot
Komarious mini WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No Voidious AdvancedRobot
KomariousTeam twinduel WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No Voidious TeamRobot
Lacrimas mega RandomMovement PatternMatching* Yes Iiley AdvancedRobot
Lifestealer mini(996) LinearCircularRamming? LinearCircularTargeting No Stelokim AdvancedRobot
LineofFire mega BestAreaMovement? GuessFactorTargeting No Greywhind AdvancedRobot
Lukious mega WaveSurfing, DynamicClustering DynamicClustering No Voidious AdvancedRobot
LuminariousDuo twinduel MinimumRiskMovement GuessFactorTargeting No Voidious TeamRobot
MakoHT mega FlatMovement, ProvocativeMovement AngularTargeting, AveragedBearingOffsetTargeting No Kawigi, PEZ AdvancedRobot
Moebius nano ? PatternMatching No Miked0801 AdvancedRobot
Musashi mega ? PatternMatching Yes Axe AdvancedRobot
NanoSatan nano Unique PatternMatching No Kuuran AdvancedRobot
NanoLauLectrik nano Oscillators PatternMatching No Albert AdvancedRobot
Nimrod mini AntiGravityMovement PatternMatching* No Iiley TeamRobot
Okami mega WaveSurfing PatternMatching Yes Axe AdvancedRobot
OrcaM mega RandomMovement NeuralTargeting No PEZ AdvancedRobot
Pear mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No Tide TeamRobot
Perpy mega buggy WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting, CircularTargeting, LinearTargeting Between rounds Jp AdvancedRobot Messy, and a little buggy in places.
Pikeman micro RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting No Ph AdvancedRobot
PluggableRobot mega n/a n/a No RobertWalker AdvancedRobot Robot framework
PowerHouse mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting, PatternMatching No wcsv AdvancedRobot
Princess mega EscapeAreaMovement PatternMatching Yes Iiley AdvancedRobot partial source
Pugilist mini WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No PEZ AdvancedRobot
Raiko mini PerpendicularMovement GuessFactorTargeting Yes Jamougha AdvancedRobot
RaikoMicro micro PerpendicularMovement GuessFactorTargeting No Jamougha AdvancedRobot
RaikoMX mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting Yes Jamougha AdvancedRobot
RaikoNano nano ? ? No rozu, Jamougha AdvancedRobot
SandboxMini mini ? GuessFactorTargeting Yes Paul Evans AdvancedRobot
ScanFire mega RandomMovement ? No Kinsen TeamRobot
ScruchiPu mega RandomMovement NeuralTargeting Yes Albert AdvancedRobot NeuralTargeting part
Shaakious mega WaveSurfing PatternMatching No Voidious AdvancedRobot
SilverFist mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting ? PEZ, Axe, Vic AdvancedRobot
SilverSurfer mega WaveSurfing PatternMatching Yes Axe AdvancedRobot
Smoke micro PerpendicularMovement PatternMatching No Iiley AdvancedRobot
SpareParts mega MultiMode VirtualGuns No Kawigi AdvancedRobot
Spark micro PerpendicularMovement PatternMatching No Iiley Robot
Squirrel mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting Not Yet Bayen AdvancedRobot
Swiffer mega MultiMode GuessFactorTargeting Yes PEZ AdvancedRobot
Teancum mini FlatMovement PatternMatching Yes Kawigi AdvancedRobot
TheBrainPi mega RandomMovement NeuralTargeting Yes Albert AdvancedRobot
Tigger mega WaveSurfing GuessFactorTargeting No StefW AdvancedRobot
Tityus mini RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting Yes PEZ AdvancedRobot
Uba mini or micro RandomMovement GuessFactorTargeting, LinearTargeting No Bayen AdvancedRobot
UnderDark4 mega PerpendicularMovement GuessFactorTargeting No UnderDark Robot
VertiLeach mini VertiMovement WaveSurfing ReducedDimensionalSegmentation No PEZ AdvancedRobot
Vapour mega AntiGravityMovement, ArbitraryMovement ? No Shrubbery AdvancedRobot
Virus mega WaveSurfing [[StatisticalTargeting]] Yes Albert RaikoMX
Wang mini(1291) SharpTurn, CornerMovement, RandomMovement LinearCircularTargeting No Stelokim AdvancedRobot
Wisdom mega BulletDodging? LaserTargeting No Greywhind AdvancedRobot
XBot mega ? NeuralTargeting yes Qohnil AdvancedRobot

* = not 100% sure about that one

Hmm, maybe this page should be organized differently... I think there are a lot of tanks missing from this list, and it's already pretty long. -- Voidious

Knowing which bots are open source isn't very useful - knowing which bots have an open source implemention of XYZ could be. Prehaps it should be a list of "Open source wavesurfers" and "open source antigravers", etc. -- Tango

That's a good idea. Maybe I'll work on that a bit and then post it... (It'd be nice to do something constructive every time I'm running 100+ matches to test something here. :)) -- Voidious

Ok, I actually got a first pass of this done a lot quicker than I thought I would. I've turned the above into a table, with a few types of data. Some of it may be a little off, or oversimplified, and things I was particularly unsure about are marked with an asterisk. A few things are even just left as question marks, because I couldn't easily find that info. Both GrubbmGait and Dummy need all their bots added to the list, as well, but I just wanted to get this posted for now.

If this format works for everyone, I can pretty easily create differently sorted versions of this list. I've uploaded both Excel and CSV versions of the spreadsheet I made, if anyone wants to do anything with them. -- Voidious

Looks good to me - sorted versions would be great. -- Tango

I was hoping someone would do this sort of thing but apply it to the not so obvious such as extends robot/advanced robot and if it implements droid. -- Kinsen

I don't mind adding more info to the list, so I'll do those next... If there's anything else that someone wants listed, please mention it, as it's more convenient to do a bunch of stuff in one pass than going through multiple times. -- Voidious

It pretty much sums it up, extends Robot/Advancedrobot?/Teamrobot? is the only thing I would like added. --GrubbmGait

Ok, I added the field for what class the tank extends. If anyone wants the source files, check out the CSV or text files that I uploaded. I'll get sorted or grouped subpages up soon... Is everyone OK with the table being so wide? I know it is wider than most browsers (mine included), but it's a lot of info. -- Voidious

I also added sorted versions of this list as subpages. If people just update this page, I can pretty easily recreate the sorted pages from time to time, as it is a bit of a pain for everyone to add their tank to 6 different "open source" pages. -- Voidious

The 'Comments' column does not seem to add much (yet). Added all my active bots. -- GrubbmGait

Can a robot actually extend RaikoMX (curious about Virus because it "cannibalizes the Raiko")? -- Kinsen

Yep, it really, truly begins with:

public class Virus extends jam.RaikoMX {
-- Voidious

I'll re-mirror this list over to the sorted pages sometime this week... -- Voidious

Wow. Great work with this listing! I don't see the point in knowing what class the bot extends though. But knowing if it's a Melee, OneOnOne, Team, FemtoBot, HaikuBot and such would be interesting. And I would slash codesize info (MiniBot, NanoBot) into the same column. And only if it's not a MegaBot. -- PEZ

Added my two more-than-ancient bots (XBot, BlotBot) to the list (hi again). -- Qohnil

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Last edited August 20, 2008 9:33 EST by Qohnil (diff)